Within My Mind the Wonders of You

You move through the morning air affecting all you touch,

Affection comes from this that makes me love you so much,

I hear you flutter about as if a winged fairy sprinkling dust in the air,

When you finally set down I see a transition to my lady fair,


Somehow, someway I see you beside a huge oak and babbling brook,

Your silk gown drapes your breast capturing my eyes for a lingering look,

The magic of morning is a wondrous delight when I hear you about,

The calm of the air amplifies a crickets chirp into a disturbing shout,


Within my mind the wonders of you lives forever as you truly are,

I’ve held you in my arms each morning although I was stationed afar,

While camping in the Colorado mountains my heart journeyed to my mind,

In the magic of memories she was there, the angel I hoped to find,


The tenderness of your soft kiss lingered on my cheek as sleep came to me,

As the morning sun returned warmth to the mountain side there you’d be,,

Your beauty is endless and I am blessed to be your greatest admirer,

When the fishermen gathered round I was cuddled with you near the fire,


Perhaps one day you will understand I am a most dedicated man of affection,

It’s your affection I am bound to with every ounce of my being’s dedication,

Chains don’t bind my heart to you as love has a much stronger hold,

Here I live this boy of meager birth living the greatest love story told,


Morning angel of morning light bring the gift of your touch near I ask,

From but a touch of lingering delight I find myself ready for love’s task,

To hold you in my arms as you settle to rest from your morning round,

I will place kisses upon your form as we lay on the grass in love’s surround.

The end, by Pat I love you baby.