Silently I Will Stand In Wait

Come to me close my dear and whisper once more in my ear, 

Tell me once more how you first loved me when you were a teen, 

Remove this tube from my mouth that one last kiss of you I may glean,

Remind me please of how you still loved me when I came home lean, 


Bring close your tender lips as you did so many years ago, 

Do you remember it my angel it was the first kiss of love I’d know, 

How could you still love me after I went to battle in the Vietnam show, 

Yet you cleansed my blood stained heart and hands that faded slow, 


Tell me of your first memory of that dark haired teenage boy, 

In one of my dearest memories you seemed a beautiful little toy, 

The moment our eyes entranced, past memories seemed to buoy, 

I suddenly understood as past life memories were in fast deploy, 


Squeeze my hand so slightly as you tell them to pull the machine away, 

In the hold of my morning angel with sunlight or moonbeams astray, 

Whisper words tenderly to hear “I love you, I’ve always felt this way”

As I have done this before my heart will break before I’m there to stay, 


I have returned to you at least five times while between life and death, 

I’ve watched you sob so uncontrollably you could hardly catch a breath, 

Time is more narrow now than when first married let’s not forget, 

The years to departure have lessened now until your soul too will let, 


Five times I’ve lingered ‘tween heaven n’ earth praying to return to you, 

My body has aged to be broken beyond God’s willingness to redo, 

God has granted me more time than rust should stand near gold’s glow, 

The rust of my being is beyond time’s ravage and what doctors know, 


The hand of Jesus Christ has protected me through life so many times, 

As I review my life I should have written more of Him in prayer rhymes, 

I will be accepted as the wayward prodigal son although I’m with sin, 

I have since then accepted Him and asked forgiveness deep within, 


As I have asked of God I also ask of you my angel so wonderfully true, 

Please forgive this rusted worn soul for the harm of heart I’ve done to you, 

My heart has been yours for as long as I have known your beautiful eyes, 

Within my heart there is no equal to your beauty under God’s blue skies, 


I have stopped at the threshold and prayed once more but time is denied, 

Beyond this world I will pray for you and watch over you after I have died, 

I vowed my love to you long ago without a soul nearby to hear as I cried, 

I cannot take my piece of gold this trip, my photo of you will be denied, 


I’ll frame a treasured memory in heaven’s gold and hold a seat for you, 

Roses of red, pink, and plumb will be planted for my angel to view, 

Silently I will stand in wait as angels welcome angels home to stay, 

I will pray the welcome home ceremony won’t last more than a day, 


Although eternity awaits in your hold, impatience may be my shame, 

Yet will come a kiss to equal the kiss of love fore you took my name,  

Perhaps there is a ceremony for love reunited to eternally bond, 

Or perhaps within heaven’s surround our vow is a bond far beyond, 


Please hold my hand and warm your cold little nose again for me, 

When you first did that I thought you were as cute as you could be, 

Please remember the ear warmer God gave you that’s made of me, 

Kiss me tenderly, squeeze my hand, then whisper I…………………

The end, I love you Patti