My Sweet Girl

My sweet girl,

You asked in Patti fashion and left in a whirl, 

What am I gonna do with my angel of a girl, 


Do you want a beer she asked sweetly of me, 

Oh yes I do, sweet love, right after I pee, 


My pee is gone and have nothing left to drink,  

Not that I drink pee but that made you think, 


What is implied is that I peed long ago and still wait.

I beg you true and I beg you now, don’t be too late, 


I am so thirsty my parched lips will leave a nasty spot, 

The moment glass meets lips of the drink you brought, 


Please sweet angel hesitate no more, 

Though you’ve slighted the man that’s outdoor, 


I love you, so correct this slight, little angel I adore, 

I love you desperately with all my heart, I’m thirsty, 


Thought it was going to rhyme, left you wanting more.

The end