There’s a golden thread of love that carries the riches I yearn,
To the end of eternity it winds and through obstacles to learn,
Secrets held deep of the heart that become precious in bloom,
Let her dreams bloom forth that I view beautiful flowers soon,
Fairy tales and nursery rhyme have exited my mind to be heard,
From world’s of make believe and dreams comes the typed word,
The winding vein of golden thread follows a route to my heart,
Into the clouds the Angel of my Dreams waves as if she is to part,
Such angst springs from my pounding heart if it is for goodbye,
Is this a dream, I pray it be so, my heart is a’flight into the sky,
Into the clouds of speeding time yet she seems to be adrift at sea,
Each attempt to leap into the sky is met by gravity’s pull on me,
I search desperately for my words of rhymes to read the outcome,
Desperation has traversed my mind as I once feared losing one,
Words scribed by me sometimes flow from an unknown source,
Written freely of my heart and mind they are never written of force,
My dreams turned to words are futuristic in forecast it seems,
From a butterfly I find words to express an angel in my dreams,
Has the Angel departed to be seen never more or does life begin,
A weight upon my heart has pulled through a golden string so thin,
It’s the golden thread of love I have written about pulled by her,
I sense her near as in years past if only I had something to offer,
Come near she pleads as from the clouds an angel beckons me,
From a cloud or a haze I dwell, am I under spell, what do I see,
I fear, oh how I fear, I fear I shan’t see the angel I need desperately,
The haze of sleep brings doubt until I awaken to her next to me,
My angel, my dear, my beautiful wife, my rhymes of love come true,
So many words yet I can’t describe waking from dreams to see you.
The end, by Pat for Patti