Each morning as I wake my first thoughts are of you,
I look to find you as its the first thing I always do,
I promise myself each day to be a better man,
It’s not for others but for you to be the best I can,
So many times I fail you although you don’t see,
The things you fail to see comes from you loving me,
Thank you for loving me as I will recommit my goal,
I will succeed in redeeming myself for you and my soul,
Each moment I stand at your side I do so with pride,
Although I’m near seventy I still see you as my bride,
Time is akin to flowing water as it flows to never end,
A difference is time flows straight and will never bend,
As time ‘n’ water flows beneath the bridge we watch it below,
I prefer wading the water in depth so each moment I know,
Each time your little heart has pain I will try to understand,
If there is nothing I can do I will be there holding your hand,
This is a poem of promise that although our past is wonderful,
I will do everything I can to make sure we live each day in full,
Filling your life with happiness and joy that I may see you smile,
From you comes my happiness, you make my life worthwhile.
The end, for you baby, I love you. Pat