Butterflies and alligators have created a lazy day that’s drifting by,
As I close my eyes in thoughts of you I watch you don wings to fly,
So high you flew until you touched the membrane of heavens shell,
You must have pierced paradise gardens as particles of heaven fell,
Each particle is filled with energy and enough love to embrace earth,
I’m already yours now yet the me that’s in love experiences a new birth,
What’s new is old and old is new so quickly that time lapses unto haste,
No longer do grains of sand fall but float through the hourglass waist,
Butterflies rest upon gators backs and crocodile’s cry out asking why,
Into the river of time our life’s flow in one direction gravity can’t deny,
With alligators and butterflies in tow our created existence is there,
Desperate with need for a year I caressed a photo and strands of hair,
My youthfulness was force filled with creatures of war’s misdirection,
I exited the forest of death desiring to caress the source of my affliction,
From the hilltop a white falcon flew towards me as if written a fairy tale,
Particles of heaven fell to touch upon me until war’s dark barriers fell,
Warrior’s redemption was to soon occur and return me to my existence,
A smile from an angel’s lips and hazel angel’s crystal was my occurrence,
For a minute I fell forever into love’s eternity resurrecting every emotion,
Cleansing of a warrior’s hardened heart normally occurs in slow motion,
Yet, from the touch of a fingertip my heart reunited with the love I felt,
Paradise Particles fell upon me removing darkness of what I was dealt,
As the falcon departed creatures of my existence suddenly reappeared,
There were birds of color, flowers, scents of roses that had disappeared,
Were they always there but my broken heart wouldn’t allow me to see?
I found difficulty walking without gravity upon my feet for traction to be,
I entered heaven on November 7, 1,970 years after our Lord’s final gift,
As love’s particles fell about, with the words “I do” I was no longer adrift.
The end, I love you Patti. Written by Pat for Patti