A magic stone fell from the sky leaving a trail not denied,
Beautiful it was with reflections of hidden jewels inside,
Reflecting light in such way to be unseen in a magical way,
A slight clarity in crystalline stone reveal diamonds at play,
Playfully they danced within the confinement of their stone,
Reflecting light of rhythmic beats go unheard when not alone,
In a moment of resting retreat I reflect on how my love’s grown,
I insert this line of loving you so others may share in love I own,
To know you is to love you thus it is evidenced of little try,
Had any young man spent time to know an angel of God’s sky,
Effort to know you true in fulfillment of courting done right,
Means he’d fall in love as did I when we kissed that night,
Perhaps that mysterious stone that fell hard striking the land,
Influenced my being to love you in a way we don’t understand,
I know untruths bring doubt that it influenced my love to grow,
Yet I believe love so instant was of her nearly four years ago,
With but a touch or smile now and then my love grew for four,
Four years of desire without lust grew love as I needed her more,
So far away I was from her and each beat of my heart felt pain,
Many tried to block our way yet I loved you such I shan’t refrain,
Each smile you gave me along with giggles and laughter I adore,
Combining parts to be what defines you along with tinies and more,
In speaking of things laced with smart remarks about sex and love,
I said I love you, you respond of doubt in knowing what I speak of,
I love you so deeply that time is nonexistent in such depth of heart,
Love should have no barriers of touch if both love from the start,
Such love becomes ownership as what and all I am is given to you,
I give pixels I am in photos or cells of my being, I give my life too,
We could walk through paradise with bombs exploding around,
Exploding napalm bring horror to bear but I pull you off the ground,
I carry you away in my arms while bullets rifle through my being,
Is this a dream? I pray so but truth is an anxious witness seeing,
The stone that fell seems to have fallen from Venus or other land,
Mars appears covered with remnants of nuclear war of man’s hand,
Our moon is said to be hollow and out of normal for what should be,
I speak of things to awaken men if I can, we need help can’t you see?
I write of you and her making it appear I’m a schizophrenic guy,
With you being her and she is you translation could make you cry,
Space’s entry came from a stone filled with diamonds given to you,
My love for you came to be of the Heaven’s and you, spoken true.
The end, I love you Patti