Words of love come flowing through when I think of you,
Every word I’ve said of loving you is always spoken true,
At times when I hold you tight stressful images may flow,
Worrisome images appear influencing memories I know,
“Wonder worries” I have nicknamed those worries so old,
Nicknamed worries say they’re here too long or so I’m told,
“I pray she won’t” has hung around as if a noose on a neck,
Worries of her departure have lingered making me a wreck,
Nightmares fall from heaven in contradictory jest I suppose,
She is truly heaven sent perhaps that is where they arose,
They’re those worry words and “wonder worries” that come,
Descriptive words of her must be heaven sent if not all, some,
Nightmares depict her gone as teardrops begin to quickly fall,
I will love you my angel as teardrops fall I’ll be there if you call,
A dream of you is a dream from paradise gates sent to renew,
Dreams of you are tenderness wrapped in love kisses from you,
A tenderness kiss upon my war inflicted wounds is a miracle,
And lonely tired recipients of stolen mail become analytical,
Wondering why no letters came she surely doubted my word,
Yet a victim of a wicked game I reject painful words I heard,
So desperately needing love from her I crept upon life I did,
Crawling in mud with gunfire around I managed to stay hid,
Nothing has been easy I swear since the only time one fell,
I am one, not number one but the one living under your spell,
Please speak tenderly to me and remember we just began,
Harshness of your look may forever dwell in a lifetime plan,
You are the litany of my voice you are my only words of love,
You are the only expression of love given to me from above,
I spoke in many words, speaking to you as quickly as I can,
Since the day I fell I did things for you in studied type of plan,
Without experience in loving I spoke inherently incorrect too,
So lost yet needing to say, awkwardly I spoke of love but true,
Why am I a man so very blessed that I’ve experienced love,
True love pulses through my veins without fault or talk of,
Unknown to my angel of love I give thanks for her loving me,
Of every man on earth I am chosen as hers it’s difficult to see,
Incorrectly I question our Savior asking why I am her chosen,
She can’t understand she can’t, why I forgive what’s woven,
My heart and soul does so because I am bound to her heart,
So tightly woven, our hearts unite as one to not be torn apart,
If beating in off rhythm our hearts would strike hard the other,
With hearts bound so tightly we must unite as if one another,
When my beautiful love wrongs who I am I cry inside by failure,
When we met she was perfection, if she failed It was me I’m sure,
I was sure all through my mind that I had influenced her wrong,
When eighteen I spoke incorrectly but it felt like a love song,
Her wrongs are my wrongs and my wrongs by influence of her,
Like a ball of twine we have become bound as one in love’ coffer,
If only I could combine every dictionary’s love words to express,
Our love, it is bound by mankind’s love and God’s hand to bless,
A soft kiss from heaven fell upon my soul to gift me of her love,
I love you Patti, forevermore, you are the only one I dream of.
The end,by Pat for Patti