Against Time’s Assault

Age has again crept upon my being with no words spoken,

I hope time grants me time for everything before I’m broken,

Whisper softly into my ear as in the time of our yesteryear,

Tender words softly spoken with love’s flow draws me near,


You’ve overwhelmed my heart to a time of long love nights,

Oh little girl time has broken my frame yet you’re in my sights,

My muscles flex slower than yesterday and every hair is gray,

Long ago you said you adore my gray hair if it will only stay,


I once came home from that war to recover while loving you,

So many times in a cell in a far away land I was so very blue,

To wear your photograph in the darkest place a warrior knows,

Is a testimonial of my love for you, I hope my love still shows,


This day of my birth I celebrate loving you for all these years,

Others love comes and goes but ours never sways with tears,

Hold me tight today I plead because on this day I feel a need,

My heart hungers today for only on your love my heat feeds,


You are an angel from heaven to behold for my aging eyes,

You’ve escaped the ravages of time that your beauty denies,

Round and firm is a bottom I’ve massaged while falling asleep,

With each moment in passing time my love grows more deep,


I pray we have time for everything against times assault,

The morning light radiates from your heart without halt,

Another year means more love to share with the other heart,

I pray for you my angel that somehow neither will depart.

For Patti from Pat 08/19/2020