The Greatest Cargo I Will Carry

The greatest cargo I will ever carry is within my heart to give away,

It is there for you my angel if only you would wake and look my way,


Once empty and cold the feelings of love were in dreams far away,

From the darkness came the light from such an unexpected display,


Will you ever know the influence you’ve had on my heart and my mind,

How can it be that in another’s room I would walk into my lifetime find,


You own the most precious cargo that I discovered but a month ago,

In a series of dreams you were seen as someone I would never know,


Oh please don’t ever leave me until you have had time to learn more,

The only love I have known is but a month in creation from before,


In a dimension of love’s fortune I saw the girl of whom I have dreamed,

When you came by to say hello to me did I stare for as long as it seemed,


Tonight in my bed I will hold your image tightly and whisper in your ear,

In a series of dreams I will find you in a rose garden and hold you dear,


No man knows the boundaries of his will unless tested with true love,

It’s a testimonial to free will given by God as he created all from above,


I give of my love willingly please be kind as it will only be given to you,

Please don’t ever break my heart as I don’t know what I can live through,  


A month ago I still felt to be a boy until I walked into a star in the sky,

And now that I know love I will never ask of its making or ask why,


Today I am a man so deeply in love to remain such until the end of time,

I’ve told you I’m in love with you many times but I’ll say it again in rhyme,


As you walk away through the door I feel I may cry just to see you go,

Look into my eyes and listen, I am the greatest love you will ever know.

The end.  1965 first poem written to Patti.