If the world began to crumble as the end came near,
First concern would be for you, creating a deep fear,
As I frantically search, I know my heart would beat so,
Deep into fears desperation I’d be, every where I’d go,
As our eyes meet I realize you’re okay and I run to you,
Somehow your eyes comfort me as they always do,
The beauty deep within your being overwhelms me,
An angel’s inner beauty, delivers waves you can’t see,
The way you looked at me without saying a word,
Said so much to me yet every word was unheard,
With a prayer and faith the end can be postponed,
The pains once inflicted still remain to be atoned,
I dream of you on the other side of a warrior’s mind,
Memories etched so deep they are seen by the blind,
Aflame inside I cry in fear you are gone upon my return,
In a dream of you in the other side of my mind…I burn,
Awaken me I cry as loud as my sleeping vocal can yell,
I shake internally without movement while under a spell,
After all this time soldiers still weep and soldiers dwell,
Sometimes upon waking I know the scent of war’s smell,
Your touch pulls me from the downward spin I’m in,
Telling me you love me without hearing words begin,
Loving you forever has been easy as forever goes by,
Time doesn’t know slow but advances enough to fly,
The fear of losing you was far greater than war’s fear,
When I returned from war a Texas angel made it clear,
Telling me to go out that night and for forever more,
I knew she loved me, I love her, even more than before.
The end. By Pat for Patti. I love you 12/13/2019