You touched my heart last night as never before,
A touch that I want to know and feel forevermore,
I’ve known you so long yet you always intrigue me,
Somehow you’ve awakened my soul that I may see,
In the field of my vision angels settled from the air,
Near and far they came to deliver your loving care,
As I realized what my vision conveyed all around,
Silence penetrated my frame to become a sound,
From the surround previously unseen visions came,
Angels came to my surround yes they’re the same,
Every single angel was of you from eyes to long hair,
From each I felt the intense love as if you were there,
Quite suddenly a flash of brightness came to be,
Each star in the sky shone as if it came near to me,
In the brightness I was insignificant in every way,
The realization of my pettiness awoke me this day,
So small yet penetrated by intense affection of you,
Was a melding of my soul with an essence I knew,
In fields that stretched for miles a new season came,
I’m insignificant in a field to never again be the same,
The anointing of my being came from your lips kiss,
Sensations flow laced with hormones and true bliss,
Green fields yielded flowers of every color and height,
Into those fields of God’s magnificence and might,
I’m delivered to you with open arms and open heart,
To be forever melded to you in whole and every part,
Woven into essence of an angel is the greatest gift
I am of you and you of me, to never again be adrift.
The end. For Patti by Pat.
June 19, 2020