As years fly by it makes each day seem so small,
When I am with you I am mesmerized by your all,
Each thing you do may be insignificant if viewed,
Yet wrapped in your love it changes when reviewed,
Your manner of doing says I love you without a word,
The tender touch of your hand needs no voice heard,
A kiss placed upon a bruise removes pain from a child,
You lovingly select pet’s gifts even those that run wild,
Many times I have wondered how you take in it all,
You see good in each pet that answers to your call,
Children nearby have a guardian with watchful eyes,
You’re all these things, willingly beneath God’s skies,
There’s so many things it’s impossible to make a list,
After review the most important thing I have missed,
You loving me means more than written word can say,
The most important day in my life is your birth day,
Your day of birth is always a celebration of you,
Our Lord once revealed my future and what I’d do,
A small pretty angel was revealed in a dream to me,
The blessing revealed to me of loving you so happily.
I love you, Happy Birthday, by Pat for Patti