Pressures overwhelm me beyond what a man can bear,
Across the countryside an appearance of plastic is there,
Whenever I dream of you I feel growth within my anatomy,
I saw you in a dream as I tried to see all of you I could see,
Wish there was a way to pull you into my dream to go away,
Imagine the places and joys we would share, like yesterday,
Let’s play in a plastic land of makeshift landscape scenes,
Remember when we sat nude in my dream of we as teens?
Brass horns make sounds of music in my dreams of night,
Mystery woman clad in lace you are still a gorgeous sight,
Waltz tight against my loins as my thighs push into a sway,
Groin groans flow against my neck when it’s me I hear say,
“Whenever I dance with you I am afire with love for you,”
As my flesh presses flesh you respond with a sound too,
Love is flowing strong on the dance floor of brass horns,
Fading dreams of pleasure pierce my heart with thorns,
Horns of brass soften their sound fading into a final song,
As my heart feels a coming loneliness I pray that I’m wrong,
I try to express myself when I realize you are speaking too,
“I won’t leave love on the dance floor when I am with you.”
The end. By Pat for Patti written Oct/14/2020