“My Brain’s Mysterious Word Bend”

Hear me please, anti q’s must be the small missile q’s we fire to fend off que’s,

To me it’s odd that after so many years it doesn’t or has not made the news,

May I ask, what means the word uni “que” does it mean the uniting of the word,

Or is this to describe the famous que’s that must be in reference to the que word,


There are many important things that go unheard of when discoveries are new,

There must be a new discovery for making leafs green, it’s called chlorophy 2,

It’s true as I read of it, it’s chlorophyll’s little brother or is it always two “L”s to end,

My brain works words in mysterious ways that I sometimes call my “word bend”,


Once someone said I live in a state of confusion and I thought that’s not bad,

Fake fusion sounds okay as long as it works much like plastic is not ironclad,

Don’t get him started someone said of me and I wondered why’d he say that,

Someone gave me a little push and I wandered for days wondering where it’s at,


I returned from my wondering while wandering a meandering path of thought,

Was it a path of thought I wandered or was it I thought I wandered or did I not,

Let’s take a different path for now and return to the written word or what is said,

You have no idea what it’s like to have all of this bouncing around in my head,


Who determined and from where that a mouse is a mice when with others,

Let me ask this of you when using letters to from words from other, like mother,

Who determined m is mother, br is brother and if so why not s for sister or sother,

D of course should be daddy or dother, yes I’m aware there is also f or fother,

(For the purpose of rhyme fother is pronounced as f-other)

(In my future the “o” will be pronounced as the “a” in father)


Think of all the things we could do when using a base word such as other,

If we redefine other to mean a sibling that is the other relation to my brother,

Then from other we can use letters to denote how the family member occurs,

No longer would it be necessary to say our kinship in such way that it blurs,


They are all available and haven’t  been taken to be used by some non meaning word,

Let’s clean up others lineage to remove common other (like now) uses you’ve heard,

Webster hasn’t laid claim to my new derivatives of “other” as being family lineage base,

Perhaps I’ll start a company to claim words and charge to register its use anyplace,


Please join me in my attempt to get this word used as it was meant long ago,

Dissimilar or ulterior, or “not that one” but we can’t use other as we now know,

No longer will another be used except that aunt is another and uncle is unother,

Thank you for reading my babble and know that untouched will be “grandmother”.

Much to your relief, The end, by Pat

Although most won’t understand this poem and most of my poems are written for Patti,

The love of my life, the angel forever at my side, the most beautiful woman I know.

I hope this made you smile Patti, I love you my beautiful little girl.