I climbed a wall so tall that was built of deceit for many years,
Too many agents of distrust conspired to fuel my many fears,
As I searched for a friendly face I found they designed the wall,
Oh my Lord what have I done in blindness to bring my own fall,
I went to sleep but a year ago to find an old man returning my stare,
So startled I was to find this image of me with white silver hair,
Come and see me if you must but a label or warning must be said,
You’ll think I’m insane when I tell you of the life I remember in my head,
I have dreamed of angels, war, deceit, children, grandchildren and more,
So many things happened to me it’s unbelievable, especially the war,
Let me show you the photograph that is my only piece of gold,
So many nights I slept with my treasured photo tightly in my hold,
My tale of life will tell a tale of love with never a bad word spoken of her,
Do Angels have failings you wonder? I have no ill words of her to offer,
A bullet once pierced my heart because of her yet without her I die,
I endured a world so lonely during war that yes, I’d break down and cry,
Without a penny to my name and so weary of war I endured protester’s rant,
Dressed in uniform a church member answered my request for a ride with I can’t,
Was it an angel of mercy that took a weary damaged soldier home that night,
I believe it to be true as I walked and prayed to God I held her picture tight,
My life is poetry in verse and placed upon a website for all to read,
It is written for her, I want all the world to know she fulfilled every need,
I’ve had too many miracles to write of but I will attempt to do so soon,
Each and everyone is interlaced in her, her prayers avoided doom,
Another burden had come to bear and with her I will endure,
Too many times I’ve been told of death with no possible cure,
Yet darkness seems to scare me more so I pray she will lead the way,
And someday in darkness she will guide me on my parting day.
The end, by Pat