I have witnessed the power of love first hand as it changed a man,
From a boy with dreams of splendor into a man with a lifetime plan,
It was witnessed by those that knew the boy before the love change,
Without the explanation of her love it would sound so very strange,
If love had pigment that could be seen every molecule would tint,
Imagine me as I am now but with a glowing pink hue heaven sent,
A pink glow accented with white that appears a halo to so many,
My penetrated color of love’s pink tint is a gift given me by Patti,
I knew long ago that love’s wavelength had penetrated me through,
There are so many along the way that I’ve told of the wonders of you,
I climbed a mountain long ago in hope the peak had a better view,
Atop a mountain crest far away I gave the world a photo of you,
My nugget of gold, my treasured gift, the rarest of world’s gem,
Why? I cannot answer, it was a need that came upon me as a whim,
Inspired by the magnificence of beauty in the Swiss Alps surround,
Perhaps I needed the world to see the angel my arms were around,
My greed said don’t leave it there yet the good said for me to share,
I knew you’d love what I was seeing so I hid your photo with care,
A stream that formed of melting snow or more of a blanket of white,
With love I pulled you close to me and for an hour I held you tight,
It was beautiful Patti, where white of snow met grass so green,
The ponds that formed from beaver’s dams created a world unseen,
Flowers of every color and hue formed pockets of color to be seen,
I must have been there before with you in a wonderful love dream,
If only I could find that mountain to retrieve the treasure I left behind,
Yet I know if the photograph was found, it is a treasured favorite find,
Someday some soul may recognize the beautiful angel with long hair,
I think I found heaven that day, that’s why I left my angel’s photo there.
The end, by Pat for Patti
I love you baby