My angel sleeps tonight on a bed of vapor in heaven above,
No matter the location I know her heart is filled with love,
Keeping safe our love as sleep brings dreams of wonder,
This night she dreams of a dance hall rescue in thunder,
The static bloom of lightning strikes brings explosive sound,
Like a moon flower maturing to bud, suddenly blooms abound,
Roots represent numerous lightning forks going to ground,
When lightning is born of static it does so with great sound,
Through bouncers and policemen her hero made way to her,
Word had come to her husband that his wife was in grave danger,
While in the ladies’ restroom a woman was attacked by a stranger,
Into the fray he went for her, not allowing anyone to endanger,
And rescue her he did knocking out five bouncers and a cop,
To get to the one he loved there was nothing to make him stop,
As she heard him fighting through she felt enough pride to pop,
For me, she thought, for me he would die before he would stop,
As lightning struck all around his hazel-eyed angel slept happily,
Thunder and flashes in the night didn’t wake the sleeping beauty,
Perhaps in dream states our love opens our eyes allowing us to see,
Dreams often mirror life yet others are wishes of how it could be,
He brought her through then assaulted the assailant in a quick turnabout,
How ironic! One man trying to kill his wife as another fights to get his out,
Maybe dreams are placed in our minds to get a love message through,
It explains why upon waking you said, “my hero, I’m so in love with you.”
The end, by Pat