Lightning Rock

I hit my thumb with a rock by accident of course,

So hard I crushed my thumb as I struck it with great force,


A wasp had bit my thumb as I was looking for a rock,

Don’t worry, it’s not enough to rush off to the Doc,


Yet it pains me so to miss the wasp as I struck off course,

Self inflicted accidental pain is pain of the worst source,


My thumb felt as if a syringe of great size had penetrated,

As I saw the wasp with arched back I became exasperated,


Lightning struck as my brain reacted and I pulled the trigger,

The wasp flew off with great speed as my thumb grew much bigger,


Bigger and bigger it grew as did the pain from lightning rock,

It seemed to intensify with each click of the clock,


In panic I pulled the wire from the wall to stop the clocks tick,

To my surprise I pulled the wire lose as if a magic trick,


Electrical arcs were everywhere as sparks and time flew,

This is the worst self inflicted event this old man ever knew,


The clock seemed to spin but how if the power was gone,

Pain has affected my mind to think time would not move on,


Now I stand in a world of confusion as pain reaches my brain,

Electrical sparks, rock below, and a thumb swollen in pain,


Slight clarity came as I realized the sparks were emissions of pain,

Is there a moral to this rhyme that came from a painful brain,


I closed my eyes to calm myself and found the clock intact,

When in pain thinking isn’t clear and you may overreact,


Pain can confuse the brain and in turn can deceive the eyes,

Don’t overreact and use the rock, it is much better, pain wise.

The end.  By Pat

To ease Patti’s tears.

I love you baby.