
Deep Thoughts Of Loving You

While deep in thought I thought of you and I wondered why,

Why was a lifetime of love given to such an unworthy guy,

I’ve loved you since my birth although it doesn’t sound true,

How you wonder could an infant and child be in love with you,


I have loved the idea of love and loved the thought of but one,

One angel, one person, that loves but one until her life is done,

Her heart, your heart, is given me, in thought, in your soul too,

How did our bond come to be, do my spoken words ring true?


Those values of you were born within my soul some time ago,

I was in love with that girl when desires of love began to show,

Through a window late one night my eyes vowed my life to her,

Towards her I walked in stride knowing love was all I could offer,


I knew she knew somehow that her life was now bound to mine,

Live life two years more then you will be given love of a lifetime,

From a locking of our together we became conjoined as but one,

Live life and have some fun as upon my return that time is done,


A wartime draft notice took me away from her and all I knew,

Loving her had filled my short life and she would fill it in war too,

Oh how my heart cried for her, oh for but her tender touch I cried,

While home after two years our kiss stated our love was undenied,


To be without word from her or she without letters written of me,

Became so very painful to me and her, akin to a wartime tragedy,

Letters written of my hand were never seen by her beautiful eyes,

A letter written by her could have strengthened a heart that cries,


It took nearly forty years for confirmation of my written word,

Her mother said she read my letters in a manner jokingly absurd,

My thoughts were “at last!” as I’m sure doubt filled Patti’s mind,

Bless the heart of my little bride as hiding my letters was unkind,


Her eyes were filled with tears upon her mother’s announcement,

I had many things to say yet I held my words at bay of deployment,

For her heart I didn’t speak my mind as I could see pain in her eyes,

From lonely word of heart it’s true, at night a lonely soldier cries,


On a hot August evening I was born with Texas heat all around,

At times sidewalks held the heat so you could fry on the ground,

It’s true of the heat but also of the cold as it could go far down,

Bugger by night they’d say of a wild place called Borger town,


Despite the heat there I was, eight pounds was full of love for her,

The dreams I’d have were all of her, my love I would not squander,

I swear that love for her is more precious than its weight in gold,

How I wonder could that be, how much gold is in a 24 karat hold?


To be loved by her is precious, more precious than the richest mine,

She truly gives her life to you as she cares for you with love divine,

Her heart is a vessel of undying love that I’m blessed to have known,

From her kiss I am made a better man and of her love, I have flown,


I’ve heard her voice in a whisper of comfort for my battered frame,

Somehow she sought me out upon my return and called my name,

Within her soul she knew that had survived the war to return to her,

Her love is true and given to me, the boy with only his name to offer.

The end. For Patti by Pat

I Love Her

She’ll never know the sadness in my heart when I see me now,

The ghost in my eyes stares back as a damaged me somehow,

Will I ever again be whole before I depart from Mother Earth,

Yet I know her pain should I part as I’ve been hers since birth,


Everything that I love is inside of her and the outside too,

I can smell her scent as it brings memories rushing through,

And she’ll never know the fear I knew when coming home,

Would she be there as promised or will I remain all alone,


I may be a man but I feel but a child in this memory of fear,

Inside of my heart I feel that last night when I held her dear,

Looking at her now after half a century has passed me by,

It’s true I believe that we came to be from a past life tie,


My heart has known her since birth, my soul has forevermore,

Love is a fever given me by her kiss of which I desire more,

I love her, I wish there was a word beyond that of my love,

For her I would sing, for her anything, she is what I dream of,


A gift from her only needs to be a kiss from her beautiful lips,

Or a slow dance with my hands resting on her shapely hips,

So for her I will fight against despair brought me from pain,

For a sensation that fills my heart with joy, I’ll fight to remain.

I love her.

Invisible Essence

I woke this morning to your sweet nakedness leaving the room,

My heart suddenly changed speed for my mind to consume,

I chuckle as I remember that I had the same reaction long before,

For fifty years your nude flesh has made me want to live fifty more,


I am grateful, so very grateful that your age is difficult to gauge,

Myself and others have wondered why you don’t show your age,

I’m blessed Patti, I still burn with fire every time I feel your touch,

Though I’m elder now, my teenage heart loves you so very much,


Desire for you floods my soul and physical being to extreme,

I am ready to respond to your touch though it may not seem,

My darling my angel return you to my arms that we may kiss,

I close my eyes and a memory of youthful sex seems amiss,


If I was aged perhaps it would not be yet I do seem to be older,

Is it such that instead of a nervous whisper I’m at last bolder,

Still, when absent more than a day excitement fills my soul,

My heart is filled with lusting desire, amorous transfer my goal,


I’ve aged two hours more since nude awareness came to be,

We made love for an hour when again your nudity I could see,

It saddens me that someday a death event will make my life end,

But know true my little girl that love is something I don’t pretend,


Upon that day I’ll soar to heaven that I may return to your heart,

I’ll surround you with invisible essence that is me in every part,

Though my touch penetrates through I still feel sensations of love,

If your masturbation is seen I will stream my love from up above.

The end


I love you my beautiful little girl. I don’t know why this weird poem came out of me.

Declaration of Dependence

Within my Being

There is a desire deep inside of a place that is unknown to me,

I must kiss your lips and gaze into your eyes that I may see,

Such a cute little creature dwells inside I want to pull her out,

If you’ll kiss my lips I’ll progress to show you what it’s about,


Addicted to You

I must write a declaration of my dependence for everyone to see,

Declaring I’m an addict of your love will be an easy thing for me,

I’m so afraid of the withdrawal that comes if you should go away,

The rivers of my mind only flow to a lake of Patti every single day,


Memories of You

A collection of mental memorabilia is catalogued under your name,

Nearby are numerous rejects for known reason of being the same,

As I review memory routes of the most treasured you are at the end,

Every moment is laced of loving you it seems my heart won’t bend,


Pathways of You,

There is only one route fate should place within my aging mind,

One without you at the end is a destiny path I pray to never find,

When I make decisions based on love a path is made I now realize,

A pathway to our final destination up through our heavenly skies.

The end, by Pat

A Significant Moment of Thought

In a significant moment of thought you arrived again,

Penetration of love into my form brings sensation within,

A tune of heavenly song is a melody filled with love of you,

Each word seems in place for you and to be spoken true,


Show me how love transpires if vacant one so complete,

What will man find if unable to taste of lips full and sweet,

I’ve asked myself time and again do I respond as I should,

Of the fifty years passed I’d relive every moment if I could,


I remember nights when we began so very long ago,

The drums and bugle of war drafted young men to go,

A long kiss of goodbye brought tears never known before,

As I walked away the fallen tear said “I love you” even more,


Anguish within my heart pierced deep and fully through,

Each prayer from then was to return alive and marry you,

As time swiftly moves I now pray for more time each day,

“I love you” are the most important words I’ll ever say.

The end

Pulsations of Love

As fresh as a springtime breeze in floral surround,

Memories captured deep along with every sound,

Of you they are, so fresh of love and tender touch,

The girl I so deeply love and desire so very much,


She is a lingering gaze whilst in thoughts of her,

Only can she come near to make love within stir,

My breath escapes when approached for a kiss,

Capturing a bit of her breath into mine is of bliss,


Out of my head as I float near her essence of amour,

I whisper into her ear that becomes a “lover’s implore”,

Pray be close and dear that I may hold an angel near,

A slow setting sun changes the mood so that you hear,


Each bird in song sings for her I’m sure without doubt,

In the sounds of the coming night I stand firm and stout,

And I hold her near my beating heart that she may feel,

Pulsations of Love in flow through me that are real,


Starlight through a springtime breeze is special indeed,

If only she knew I am bound with no desire to be freed,

Bound for life through desire for her and undying love,

I share this gift of love given to us from heaven above.

The end. By Pat for Patti

December 25, 2017