
Across the New Horizon

Across the new horizon lays a rainbow as well as future love,

Future love will always be there for you if I’m what you dream of,

I am the pot at the end of the rainbow to be filled with gold of you,

This vow I give to you along with my steel that hasn’t rusted through,


To see your beautiful face brings delight each time I see you again,

Each time I’ve journeyed far my reward is a simple touch of your skin,

Time moves so quickly now that each click of the clock is felt hard,

I must admit the ravages of time has caught me completely off guard,


I will gather your love in and hold you until you tire of my hold,

Proudly I will be the container that’s the recipient of your gold,

Although a rainbow may mark the spot I will protect what we’ve got,

Of certainty I will cherish your love and return to you a larger pot,


No leprechaun can lay claim to our gold as it is gold of our hearts,

Much more I have of you cherished memories of when my love starts,    

We have a pot of gold it’s true as everything given of you is pure gold,

The greatest treasure my heart will know is the gold of you in my hold.

The end, by Pat for Patti

TEXT POEM: The Completion of Us

As I reflect on the happenings of each day,

You’re in every thought along the way,


No matter how ill I am, you’re there to insure my health,

You are the guardian of my existence, my wealth,


When I wake I search for your presence to complete me,

Until I see you near there is absence in what I see,


It’s hard to describe because others can’t understand,

Best described is that there’s vacant air where you’d stand,


I can sense your presence when my eyes are closed,

When you sneak into the room your presence is exposed,


My heart takes a leap because of what I feel,

The beauty of an angel is only part of the appeal,


Your essence is of me also that is how I explain,

Perhaps we are alter egos of us in reality and name,


United as one with two containers of flesh to store,

One of female and the other male to love evermore,


Said “you complete me” is accurate yet the words are incomplete,

It is the essence of both seasoned fifty years to make us complete,


But truth be told the creation of us as one is yet complete,

With your love mixed into the essence of us we become “elite”.

The end, by me for you, I love you my sweet.

Red Roses to Burglary

To see a red rose mysteriously changes what I can see,

Magic takes place where I stand it is truly a mystery,

I see your precious red lips that need no embellishment,

The perfect canvas for His hand is no doubt heaven sent,


So precious is your face created with skin that’s perfection,

Your high cheek bones accent your nose with no correction,

I make way to your beautiful eyes that have particles of me,

The hazel lines within what seems crystal is made perfectly,


The arch of your brows is a meticulous accent of your eyes,

Time has perfected your hair with gray that perfectly applies,

Fifty years ago I felt no need for perfection of such beauty,

Yet now the small lines of time accent your face as if by duty,


The passion I feel within your grasp was never felt before,

Although exhausted your touch ignites my need for more,

A heart that’s pierced by the ties of past, present, and future,

Is forever bound by love to regenerate the ties and to nurture,


Is love at first sight a reality or a recognition of love past,

The moment I saw you there was no doubt the die was cast,

My dreams of you came long before I saw you standing there,

From age fourteen I dreamed of you with long and flowing hair,


How love at first sight occurs is insignificant after fifty years,

Because of loving you through the years I have shed few tears,

What heartbreak I’ve known was dampened by loving you,

I have fought and will continue to fight everything I go through,


I walk life’s path secure with your hand placed tightly in mine,

The path has been far too short using our measurements of time,

I woke wondering how I can find more time to spend with only you,

I must make each grain of sand larger to slow how it flows through,


As ridiculous as it sounds I exaggerate to signify desperation’s need,

You have aged as expected of an angel as such I have seen you succeed,

We experienced the unknown as only through love could it be done,

In my hardest moment I astral projected to the safety of my only one,  


I felt my soul lift from my body as pain and blood loss became a gateway,

Desperately my heart was in need of you such that instantly I was far away,

Love is a magnetism that pulls the heart to complete the match until done,

I felt the charge of your pull that November as across the hill you did come,


As you drew closer the tingling sensation of magnetic force pulled inside,

Surely you felt it too as through time we felt something was to coincide,  

Two hearts beating as one to reuniting what have occurred long ago,

I dream of you from past lives long ago that are more than dreams I know,


The analogy I use of rust and gold holds so very true as I am worn,

And you my angel are gold, you carry more beauty each day since born,

No man knows his worth better than I do as I am aware of my failures,

To compare us by metals using gold to steel is the best of measures,


As a young draftee my strength grew to that of steel as needed for war,

I enjoyed my training to such an extreme that I always wanted more,

My youth had experienced little other than sports to grow in stature,

In hind sight I’d not have excelled above others had I known my future,


I am true of steel that has worn through in so many places from rust,

As I grow old it seems as if I am decaying beyond rust to become dust,

And you my gorgeous angel remain gold with little tarnish known,

And still what steel remains of me will protect gold as I have shown,


I’ve seen the night, so woeful is the night of my final fight,

A small time crook is the cause when my soul takes flight,

Burglarizing our home as we slept until he strikes fear in your heart,

As a measurement of his safety he attempted to pull us far apart,


I heard your frightened screams forcing early action before harm came,

As I came he fired his weapon into me while adrenaline changed the game,

A hurricane of flurry came from my aged and worn body in final hurrah,

With the burglar unconscious he is bound then the blood of rust you saw,


What they say is true as it is the second time I’m shot but I didn’t know,

It seems as if the surge of adrenaline blocks the pain making it slow,

Upon realization it is quite intense this pain could be the final blow,

I lay upon the bed after placing towels upon the sheets a bit too slow,


You cry asking what I’m doing because you know exactly my thought,

Guilt and fear have filled your heart as you know it was for you I fought,

Time is precious, I utter as I fall in bed needing your naked mounds,

I utter “let me hold you close my angel and hear your little sounds,”


We kiss the kiss that started it all so long ago upon my sister’s bed,

Your tongue excites me but alarms go off inside my mind instead,

We both are in need of care as your screams came from knife insertion,

Now I need to kill him if only I could stand but it takes too much exertion,


I don’t want to sleep nor do I want you to sleep as I fear the end,

“I might fall asleep” I hear as I reply “sleep angel so you can mend,”

Knowing this is the end I pray with you and whisper “close your little eyes,”

As darkness overtakes me I see my angel waiting in the night skies.

The end.

In Search of You (Amohalko Isle)

I had always dreamed that one day you would be in my arms,

Little angel of hazel eyes I fully succumbed to your charms,

In a recent dream you were to one day become our Queen,

And I served you upon a stallion of white in my magical dream,


We surround a coach of gold that is pulled by unicorns of white,

And you are the most beautiful majesty ever seen by this knight,

Your unicorns were of magical breed with wings of muscular form,

So fast was this breed that they lost time flying into the storm,


Many a starlit night I watched the sky in search of but a clue,

Desperately I searched the skies when word finally came of you,

It is said that your unicorns flew high to secret islands in the air,

Numerous tales came to be of the Princess that lived “up there,”


As I watched the night sky I wished upon a star that I’d find you,

Wishes are like the air yet I prayed that my wish would come true,

I searched in desperate need of you as my heart beat true of blood,

In search I found a spiraling staircase that made my emotions flood,


Made of hand carved mahogany so opulent of gold trim and more,

This staircase of luxurious wood reached so high it seemed to soar,

In this dream of “loving you” I donned my armor to battle for you,

Round and up I went on this staircase of wood soaring into the blue,


For over a day I climbed as I went through the clouds of earth,

I reached the top exhausted from carrying steel that’s my girth,

Daylight found darkness as I arrived at the first isle floating in air,

Then I felt desperation set in as I saw there were other islands there,


To see I made way to the highest point of the mountain above the sea,

How many times has she filled my dreams with love and her loving me,

I have so little time as I must don my armor to re-enter our leader’s fray,

I am your man that will love you until my heart ceases one far away day,


“Return to me” sweet princess are the words you spoke that night,

I am here yet you are to be found somewhere amongst islands in flight,

For thirty days I searched for you my hazel eyed beauty of love at night,

Little nicknames I’ve placed upon you in memory of when I held you tight,


My heart will kill me I swear if I should find you’ve found another love,

My life has become so complex that I depart empty of the one I dream of,

In a spoken promise made by me, I said I would return to you this day,

My heart feels empty and dry as if the Sahara Desert is in my chest today,


Down the spiraled staircase of wood I went creating dizziness of my mind,

Round and down I went as emptiness filled my heart, is my heart love blind?

Across the sea I must go to fight the darkness of oppression for mankind,

My letters that turned you away are tormenting me, I may lose my mind,


This past year has been so unkind in every way you could think of,

Combat and death has filled my mind where once was toys and love,

I will cling to the artist rendition of you as I feel it’s my only piece of gold,

As well I will cling to the memory of two young hearts in each other’s hold,


True, my lady, I once felt I would soar like an eagle but I have doubts today,

My heart is scorched by dragon’s venom and belching fire that came my way,

With this emptiness of heart and lost hope I must return to our leader’s war,

What I do now is fraught with danger, oh how I wished I’d hold you once more,


It seems but a day has passed yet the calendar says it’s a month today,

Where I go this next day is fraught with danger and peril along the way,

Snow has covered the mountains I must cross to engage the enemy today,

As quickly as that month passed the enemy has bound me and had their way,


I am sad, I am low, I whisper my words of love for you from dungeons of hell,

Each brick is fired of red clay and I know each within my walls very well,

My broken flesh burns from the acidity of their urine yet the warmth is good,

Today I’m low, I could feel no lower if they continued beating me with wood,


I found that my heart loves you no matter what you could do to me,

While on the rack of torture my heart cried out for you across the sea,

My heart yearned for you while battle raged no matter where we fought,

Although my heart is filled with love for you, equal loneliness I have got,


I am to depart this hell today as they have traded the enemy’s man for me,

Somehow I will return to you and win your heart that our love can be,

Perhaps I can leave warring behind and only slay dragons for my due,

I must heal then journey by ship to return home to search for you,


I write this journal for record of what transpired in my absence from you,

How will I again find the stairway to the heavens through the sky blue,

I made a promise to return to you and I shall no matter what I do,

If once I journeyed into the blue then surely I can again if it was true,


It’s been near two years since I touched your lips and you went away,

Rumor has said your mother moved you away from me on that day,

I pray it’s not for another otherwise I fear I shall wilt until I’m done,

I will go to this land of Amohalko if I must in search of my only one,


I will find the stairway of opulence and climb to the isle in the sky,

Then forever build bridges to each sky island until I find you or I die,

At last I have made my way to the village where I once I held you tight,

I am weary of war and scarred by dragons of fire and traveling by night,


Famine has made poor of my family and I fear I must move them away,

Be patient my hazel eyed beauty, I swear I will return to you one day,

As I mount my steed to journey away I see a chariot of white on the hill,

My heart is beating through my chest can it be you in the chariot of steel,


Touch my hand and I will surely faint or please grant me but a smile,

Instead you have asked for my promise to return making all worthwhile,

In six long months I’ve returned to you and our story can begin anew,

It has been proven by my heart, sweet angel, I am eternally in love with you.

The end, by Pat. For Patti

The Path of Bewilderment’s Way

As we meander the path through bewilderment’s way,

We pass many things we’ve learned to ignore each day,

I’ve looked into the eyes of a fellow draftee yet I ignore, 

I fear the tugs upon memories I have thrown to the floor, 


Another child, another day, I’ve dug deep to look inside,

I look into the downtrodden’s eyes and see they’ve cried, 

My good intentions have fallen to the floor of incompletion, 

Do you feel, have you felt the same pain without exception, 


Present the glories of the world’s darkness carried inside, 

Too many soldiers gone, too many Vietnam Vets have died, 

They traveled the streets never welcomed home from war, 

I deeply wished, as did they, that it could be as it was before, 


Fireworks crash, thunder claps, backfires all bring it back, 

Terror returns for one moment, just as when under attack, 

I feel it, I feel the pain, the fear, the anxiety of wondering, 

Will I go home complete or absent limbs, I hate remembering, 


How I fear “the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air,”

Lyrics of war so misunderstood by many as fireworks glare, 

When memories hidden are awakened to be they return in full, 

Many men of that war never felt the glory of patriotism’s pull, 


To march the march of protestors revolt to a march of training, 

Was a startling transition of wartime that needs no explaining, 

Yet I felt that tug to defend as my father however he enlisted, 

Love held me back as well as schooling so I was deferment listed, 


How little we realize the depth of the damage done by one death, 

For a seventeen year old to watch another teenagers last breath, 

Is an assault upon innocence that removes any child left inside, 

The guilt of a late trigger response lays so heavy I’ve often cried, 


It’s locked deep inside shame’s vault of secrets yet disclosed in full, 

How many died as a result of a hesitant machine gun trigger pull, 

The first day, a first encounter, do I pull the trigger or am I a fool, 

My answer came in a fury of gunfire that left behind a red pool, 


Nineteen sailors injured that day as well numerous Marines dead, 

I, as do others, have too many things floating around in my head,

These are not pleasant memories I speak of but moments of dread, 

So many have it much worse than me and would prefer mine instead, 


As I exit to enter upon the path of fading years I take a pause, 

With her is heavenly existence, without I have no reason or cause, 

Had I hesitated years ago, hesitation may have brought catastrophe, 

Catastrophe involving Patti would spell the absolute end of me, 


Imagine my existence had I hesitated in canceling a date with another, 

Or had I hesitated when I crawled threw a window to an angel wonder, 

She was truly an angel, the imprint is heavy upon my mind for eternity, 

I see the silhouette of an teenage angel embedded inside me mentally, 


Almost daily I relive that moment of hesitant trigger finger pull, 

Was I hesitant or was it the normal jitters of a first day warring fool?

As it enters my mind I sincerely attempt to put my focus upon her, 

For she is the opposite extreme of the agony endured I need to defer, 


I take a deep breath as I did that horrible day and I meditate on loving her, 

Loving her is the easiest thing I have done, for her I surrender my life in offer, 

Sweet surrender, the sensational surrender of my heart and all I am in life,

Again she has saved me, again I am saved by my beautiful, heavenly wife.

The end, by Pat

I am Your Walkway (Prostrate for You)

Are you the bridge?  The walkway to heaven across through the blue,

A golden archway only seen by spirits of a dimension we pass through,

Each existence must have a spirit guide so I have wondered that of you,

I am enamored of you, perhaps to say I have a love addiction is said true,


For each there is a significant partner though for many they go unfound,

They are a mate, a lover, a friend, the one, their soul mate heaven bound,

I have long ago surrendered all I am to you in expression and in total full,

Yes! You are my bridge! As well my life’s pool of elation from which I pull,


You too are my steeple that reaches high into the heavens when I’m in need,

Let it be said that you are my everything, any need can be found in you indeed,

I deed myself to you, I give you title to all I am, to my flesh, to my mind and heart,

It seems I have become non expressive although I seek to say it all or fall apart,


Once again illness lurks around each bend and I suffer to see you worry,

My poor darling little girl it seems as if illness comes in a storm of flurry,

I have seen the controlled tears in your precious hazel eyes wrapped in blue,

No doubt you seek to bury your little head upon my shoulder and weep too,


My heart truly breaks for you my angel, may I be your bridge while I’m ill?

It doesn’t matter that I’m sick as I will find the fortitude to stand firm still,

I will be your walkway, my angel, I will lay my body prostrate to protect thy feet,

Yes I use archaic words as I feel thou deserves higher regard to be complete,


You don’t realize this but you are the path I must follow to gain entry to heaven,

United as one, we walk as one, we must work His work as nothing is given,

Each time we speak of our love we are doing the work of God as God is love,

You are so perfect for me that your every movement fits me like a glove,


I am clothed of you my angel, I truly am, you have enveloped my form complete,

As you have given yourself to me I am grateful as I wonder could I truly compete,

Truly I have worn to become rust and I must try to hold the beauty of rare gold,

Gold never loses value though tarnished it is easily polished in an admirers hold,


And how I admire you, long ago I placed you on a pedestal as I know your value,

More so than any man alive I know the value of Patti and I hold that to be true,

Mornings I wake in awe of your beauty, as well I am grateful being loved by you,

You are my everything, no words can describe loving you, words spoken so true,


You are special, what word have I beyond such meager description to say?

Exceptional, you are extreme of perfection, touched by God in a special way,

Heavenly is truly the most descriptive word for the angel that wears my ring,

I must kneel in thanks to give glory to our Lord, grateful for the love you bring.

I…..love you……Patti.  I take pause to reflect on how blessed I am.

The end.  By Pat for Patti