Always Mesmerized of You
I washed ashore in a place surrounded by images of you,
There were statues all around of you, also in shades of blue,
Granite and marble statues that seemed to reach into the sky,
I saw your likeness carved grand in the mountains on high,
As I walked along the path laden with gold I wondered,
Why so much gold is on this path of gold I now wandered,
So many wonders of you I’ve seen yet never have I this,
There’s even a monument celebrating a first magic kiss,
With wonder I realized the path was golden pages from time,
That had fallen from a book of love poems I write of in rhyme,
Time and love had melded to form golden pages for the book,
What is said of memories becoming gold is true as I take a look,
Fear has filled my heart as did pain with touches of forbidding,
My heart pains so for you, with each beat I must be bleeding,
Perhaps another has erected this place that I am now viewing,
Jealousy is entering my panicked heart although I am resisting,
Yet I continue walking this path as I am always mesmerized of you,
I come upon a fireplace of marbled stone embedded of jewels too,
A plaque above reads “my love is alive as are embers burning,”
Those are words stolen of me I think as my heart is yearning,
Atop the rise ahead is a street sign that’s commemorated in stone,
Getting closer to see I wade a creek of red from a past I’d known,
How I wonder, do I know I know this creek or is it I was once shown,
The sign carved in stone is the street sign of my childhood home,
Relief fills the heart spaces where fear had managed to invade,
I think filled with wonder of whom and how was this place made,
Did I do so in another dimension of existence while deep in love,
Or is this another dimension of existence that I once dreamed of,
Tears trace my face ever so slow as I remember a time long ago,
It was a moment of assured love from the angel I have loved so,
I stood silently and stared with memories flowing through of you,
Then a light beam played memories on white clouds in the blue,
I feel you near my heart as I did when war took me to disaster,
Letters hidden from you are bronzed on a display titled “For Her,”
My trousers are stained of red as once were my hands of blood,
The red creek I crossed was of soldier’s blood mixed into the mud,
In such a lovely place of you it commemorated what we went through,
It was at the point of my weary return when from atop the hill came you,
Love fell back into my heart although never gone, silenced by fear,
How is that my knees feel of rubber every time you come near,
As I walk along the wonders of you I see nightfall across a line,
To step across into night skies was as if a quirk in the timeline,
I have no fear of darkness if you dwell near to be seen or heard,
You give me strength to carry on, which I describe for you in word,
Illuminated for all to see is a book of love poems written by me for you,
Nearby is a hall of dance with hardwood floors and music playing too,
“Love on the Dance Floor” turned into song plays on, amazing my mind,
“I must have gone to heaven,” I think to myself of this accidental find,
A beautiful statue stands of you draped in silk moving in the wind,
Your breasts and form so tightly exposed for me to see each bend,
It looks so real then I see it stir and it is you standing in the breeze,
So often I’ve approached your form, you’d think it would be of ease,
Yet my heart beats so as it has every day when I put my eyes on you,
My heart nearly halts as thoughts of going blind invade, what will I do,
For to touch your hand envelopes my nervous system with sensation,
But to gaze into an angel’s eyes is a link to heaven and brings elation,
Fear I’d only known once before fills every void within my aged frame,
It was a draftee’s goodbye kiss as I feared it would never be the same,
Taking my hand to dance, you whisper words of love on the dance floor,
Softly you add, “I am in your mind, I will always be in here as I was before.”
The end, for Patti. I love you.
*Love on the Dance Floor is one of the first published poems written by Pat for Patti. It is one of her favorites. References to blindness are from a recent diagnosis of macular degeneration and other diseases.