
Static Bloom and Love

My angel sleeps tonight on a bed of vapor in heaven above,

No matter the location I know her heart is filled with love,

Keeping safe our love as sleep brings dreams of wonder,

This night she dreams of a dance hall rescue in thunder,


The static bloom of lightning strikes brings explosive sound,

Like a moon flower maturing to bud, suddenly blooms abound,

Roots represent numerous lightning forks going to ground,

When lightning is born of static it does so with great sound,


Through bouncers and policemen her hero made way to her,

Word had come to her husband that his wife was in grave danger,

While in the ladies’ restroom a woman was attacked by a stranger,

Into the fray he went for her, not allowing anyone to endanger,


And rescue her he did knocking out five bouncers and a cop,

To get to the one he loved there was nothing to make him stop,

As she heard him fighting through she felt enough pride to pop,

For me, she thought, for me he would die before he would stop,


As lightning struck all around his hazel-eyed angel slept happily,

Thunder and flashes in the night didn’t wake the sleeping beauty,

Perhaps in dream states our love opens our eyes allowing us to see,

Dreams often mirror life yet others are wishes of how it could be,


He brought her through then assaulted the assailant in a quick turnabout,

How ironic! One man trying to kill his wife as another fights to get his out,

Maybe dreams are placed in our minds to get a love message through,

It explains why upon waking you said, “my hero, I’m so in love with you.”

The end, by Pat

Remind Me, Jesus (Unbearable Pain)

Pain is a disease unto itself no matter what doctors say,

It knows no color nor does it care how you feel this day,

From the depths of excruciation it has risen here to stay,

Dear Lord, hear my plea to allow this pain to pass today,


Give strength to me I pray as I no longer fight pain so well,

Remind me Jesus of your sacrifice that our sins you expel,

It happened so long ago as from grace man and woman fell,

Man has been filled with sin since that day as if under a spell,


It has no boundaries or extremes of endurance it cannot cross,

When it enters into your body there’s no doubt who is the boss,

I offer up every measurement of pain I endure in thanks of You,

I pray to see heaven’s gate once more but this time pass through,


Thank you for the peace I receive from offerings of my pain,

Most of all I thank you for the strength it takes to remain,

And for “her” the angel sent to me of our very same name,

It is from answered prayers to You that more time I gain,


Today the pain is unbearable and my soul seeks departure’s light,

The tunnel of light that seems to appear and shines so very bright,

I ask you for relief of pain today and avoidance of passage’s light,

You see, dear Lord, I must remain to protect her and hold her tight.

The end, by Pat

Treasured Words Spoken

I’ve spoken treasured words to you that felt as if laden in gold,

From my heart words came as I released them from my hold,

Some words so precious to have never been released or told,

These words of unsolicited need are often words to behold,


Men of endurance mine for gold and precious metals to the end,

My heart is an enduring flame rekindled by but a moment to spend,

A glance from your beautiful eyes create words of love I must send,

I mine precious words from my heart, so precise none are pretend,


Truly I have labored for an hour to describe with a perfect word,

I would vault into the sky from a mountain peak for it to be heard,

Shouting into the wind my little words of love, borders on absurd,

But from the miracle of dreams my songs and flight are of a bird,


The heart controls more than the mind yet doctors preach I’m wrong,

Reason and science from study proves my reasoning doesn’t belong,

Yet place love within each pulse of a man’s heart to make him strong,

His health improves and thoughts of love from the heart brings song,


To assist the mind and heart there are blessings known as emotions,

Emotions may bring pain yet they prevent us from acting on a notion,

Love’s emotion has created masterpieces crafted by minds in motion,

Thus the words I write this day are from love and my eternal devotion,


Once I was lost so long ago when returning from battle so fatigued,

No words were delivered to me in desperate times of soldier’s need,

Somehow I grew from this and my love’s “metal” tested to proceed,

Faith in you and our kiss of pained departure was love enough to heed,


Words so simple whispered in my ear carried me through each day,

Return to me, promise! Played in my head when danger came my way,

They are but words yet our hearts need such little words and to pray,

Words written for you sometimes flow like songbirds sing while at play,


At times I want to write words so sensational no other person has said,

Words crafted by wordsmiths of fame but written just for you instead,

If only I could speak a word laden with jewels for a crown on your head,

But my spoken words are made of air so I must say, “I love you”, instead.

The end, by Pat for Patti

Malteeser Tragedy

There’s a man I knew that ate Malteesers in bed,

They are a wonderful tasty treat to be fed,


He ate those treats one by one all the night through,

A side effect of those treats is a shake or two,


A substitute but not as good is a wax coated Malt ball,

The wax protects from the heat but can make it fall,


Malteesers are pure of chocolate and melts right away,

That’s what makes them so good in your mouth to play,


But those wax coated subs just aren’t the same but will do,

The Malteeser is from Europe so ship me a box or two,


I toss them in but soon the whole box is gone leaving me blue,

So now I munch on Malt Balls and I break a tooth or two,


I worry how many little male malts are walking without balls,

I’m filled with guilt, tears fill my eyes and a few of the balls falls,


Morning brings farts that started at midnight and coat the room,

To wake to such a smell can wake a man into gloom,


I drag myself to the restroom to release what I packed away,

As I return to make my bed I find a morning treat for the day,


There in the bed is a couple of the balls of malt,

I tossed them into my mouth before my hands could halt,


The sniff I caught flying through the air said loudly beware,

The moral of this tale, of this story of balls found anywhere,


Check the texture but most off all think of what once laid there,

For once you’ve tasted s**t, I assure you, you will care.

The end

Four Minutes at Heaven’s Gate

I stood at the gates of Eden with an angel beckoning me through,

Through the clouds of paradise I caught a quick glimpse of you,

Pray for her I begged, “she needs me more than you can know,”

“Oh it’s more than YOU know, she is an angel that loves you so,”


“Enter into her heart and persona to feel her unconditional love,

Suddenly I felt the anguish of a thousand broken hearts from above,

The world I knew was falling apart and I struggled for another breath,

Crash carts and nurses ran through doors that symbolized my death,


Fear I had never felt before coursed through my veins over me,

Over me? I thought, what is wrong with me that I couldn’t see,

Oh how I love her, but quite suddenly I realized it ran both ways,

The things I had done to survive the war allowed me more days,


Her photograph I kept near my heart after our summer goodbye,

Extreme loneliness for over a year brought my eyes to often cry,

The hardships of drafted men at war is only known by those boys,

Boys forced to become men using the war machine’s deathly toys,


Each night I held her photo as I prayed she would wait a year or two,

Through dark of night I’d watch the stars hoping she was looking too,

Each beat of my heart seemed to increase my love tenfold or more,

With the first touching of our lips my mind knew what I was living for,


Against all odd we grew our love each time our eyes could meet,

A small ember fanned with devotion created enough of love’s heat,

To grow our love despite obstacles of meddling and temptation,

Our love grew in spite of war’s separation to never know stagnation,


The sacrament of Holy Matrimony brought grace to our eternal bond,

We two souls entered into marriage with enough love to go beyond,

There was never a doubt that I was there to be her protector for life,

I am a mysterious man of extended time still deeply in love with my wife,


Each day I’ve loved her more as her internal beauty overwhelmed me,

Every time her perfection overwhelms my soul I am grateful that I can see,

No one can understand but me how her lack of vanity makes it more so,

Yet time has been kind to her and age has brought with it a subtle glow,


They say I took for granted how much that little girl was in love with me,

Let me be truthful now, I know my worth very well so how could it be,

Yet here I stand, with her emotions of lost love coursing through my veins,

Her unconditional love is that of one willing to die so the spouse gains,


At heaven’s gate a puddle must exist as through me her teardrops fell,

The pain of separation for over a year after being drafted into war’s hell,

Pales in comparison to what my little girl was feeling as I lay dying nearby,

Yes, “my little girl” is the cuddle name given her by this fortunate guy,


Hazel-eyed angel with tears of anguish falling from her eyes is torture,

I have no doubt if she passed away while I survived I’d have no closure,

When I could bear no more I sobbed desperately and started to pray,

Please dear angel of God, ask our Lord that I be allowed NOT to stay,


“Sacrificing eternal salvation is a risk however God gave you free will,”

My heart is eternally tied to her such as flowing water is never still,

Be still my beating heart I’ve often said as her entrance took my breath,

Then I felt the hands of life pull my soul into my body to halt death,


Time suddenly slowed to nearly still as I turned to look through the wall,

Standing near the door she sobbed as each person ran by trying to stall,

Her beautiful eyes in search of a promising look from a stranger passing by,

When out came the words she so needed, “we won’t let your husband die,”


Please reach out to her and comfort her breaking heart if you will,

Then motion returned as suddenly as time stood that moment still,

Comfort came to my soul as I felt the physical pain my worn body knew,

Hazel-Eyed Angel, my little girl dear, I left paradise to be here, I love you.

The end, by Pat for Patti

Atop a Mountain Crest

I have witnessed the power of love first hand as it changed a man,

From a boy with dreams of splendor into a man with a lifetime plan,

It was witnessed by those that knew the boy before the love change,

Without the explanation of her love it would sound so very strange,


If love had pigment that could be seen every molecule would tint,

Imagine me as I am now but with a glowing pink hue heaven sent,

A pink glow accented with white that appears a halo to so many,

My penetrated color of love’s pink tint is a gift given me by Patti,


I knew long ago that love’s wavelength had penetrated me through,

There are so many along the way that I’ve told of the wonders of you,

I climbed a mountain long ago in hope the peak had a better view,

Atop a mountain crest far away I gave the world a photo of you,


My nugget of gold, my treasured gift, the rarest of world’s gem,

Why? I cannot answer, it was a need that came upon me as a whim,

Inspired by the magnificence of beauty in the Swiss Alps surround,

Perhaps I needed the world to see the angel my arms were around,


My greed said don’t leave it there yet the good said for me to share,

I knew you’d love what I was seeing so I hid your photo with care,

A stream that formed of melting snow or more of a blanket of white,

With love I pulled you close to me and for an hour I held you tight,


It was beautiful Patti, where white of snow met grass so green,

The ponds that formed from beaver’s dams created a world unseen,

Flowers of every color and hue formed pockets of color to be seen,

I must have been there before with you in a wonderful love dream,


If only I could find that mountain to retrieve the treasure I left behind,

Yet I know if the photograph was found, it is a treasured favorite find,

Someday some soul may recognize the beautiful angel with long hair,

I think I found heaven that day, that’s why I left my angel’s photo there.

The end, by Pat for Patti

I love you baby